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Publikationer år 2021

Publikationer år 2021

Durst, S., Svensson, A. & Acuache, M.M.G.P. (2021). Peruvian small and medium-sized enterprises in times of crisis – Or what is happening over time? Sustainability, Vol. 13, Article no. 13560.

Holmgren, D., Vallo Hult, H., & Wekell, P. (2021). Integrating a pedagogic course in a CPD programme for paediatricians at out-patient clinics. Journal of European CME, 10(1), 1862981.

Rosenbäck, R. & Svensson, A. (2021). Surge capacity in the Covid-19 pandemic, PLAN conference (forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens), Borås, Oct 20-21.

Samuelson, S., Svensson, A., Pennbrant, S. & Svenningsson, I. Collaboration for Learning – How Can it Be Done? A Case Study in a Testbed Environment Between a Company, Healthcare Professionals and the Public in Primary Care, Abstract in Proceedings of the15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2021), Valencia, Spain, March 8-10.

Svensson, A., Bergkvist, L., Bäccman, C. & Durst, S. (2021). Challenges in implementing digital assistive technology in municipality healthcare, In Ekman, P., Keller, C., Dahlin, P. & Tell, F. (Eds.). Management and Information Technology in the Post-Digitalization Era, Routledge.

Svensson, A. & Durst, S. (2021). Implementing digital assistive technology in healthcare: Which work-related knowledge matters? In Za, S., Braccini, A.M., Lazazzara, A. & Virili, F. (Eds.). Digital Ecosystem and Business Transformation: Individual, Organizational and Societal Challenges, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Svensson, A. & Gjellebæk, C. (red.) (2021). Organisering, implementering och användning av välfärdsteknologi. Resultat från eTeam-projektet, Högskolan Väst, Trollhättan.

Svensson, A., Grundén, K. & Larsson, L.G. (2021). Studying resistance to changes and learning in social care organizations, In Proceedings of the15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2021), Valencia, Spain, March 8-10.

Svensson, A. & Hedman, E. (2021). Operations Knowledge Management in Healthcare, In Petrillo, A., Operations Management - Emerging Trend in the Digital Era, IntechOpen Limited, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-83881-202-7, print ISBN: 978-1-83881-187-7, eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-83881-203-4.

Svensson, A.. Lindh Svanqvist, J. & Palmqvist, A. (2021). Kompetensförsörjning och generationsväxling i Dalsland - med stöd av kommunerna, i Katana, K. & Durst, S. (Eds.) Antologi – Framgångsrika företag i gränsregionen (FRAMFOR) Aktuella och framtida utmaningar, Högskolan Väst rapportserie.

Svensson, A. & Thoss, A. (2021). Risk factors when implementing ERP systems in small companies, Information, Vol. 12, Article no. 478.

Vallo Hult, H. (2021). Digital Work: Coping with Contradictions in Changing Healthcare. Diss. (sammanfattning) Trollhättan : University West, 2021.

Vallo Hult, H., Islind, A.S., Norström, L. (2021) Reconfiguring Professionalism in Digital Work . Systems, Signs & Actions. 12(1), pp. 1–17

Vallo Hult, H., & Byström, K. (2021). Challenges to Learning and Leading the Digital Workplace. Studies in Continuing Education. DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2021.1879038

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-28 16:19