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Publikationer år 2012-16

Publikationer år 2012-2016


Vallo Hult, H. (2016). Towards Digital Collaboration in Daily Work: Knowledge Sharing and Learning in Healthcare. Paper presented at the IRIS39, Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Ljungskile, August 7-10.

Vallo Hult, H. (2016). ICT and Learning in a Changing Healthcare Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities for Physicians at Work. Journal of Library & Information Science, 42(1).

Vallo Hult, H., Byström, K. & Gellerstedt, M. (2016). ICT and Learning Usability at Work. Paper presented at the Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems.

Islind, A. S., Norström, L. & Vallo Hult, H.. (2016). From Digital Fight to Digital Pride in Public Sector: Redefining Professionals' Roles and Work in Public Sector. Paper presented at the ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium.

Svensson, A, Larsson G, L, Hansson, A, (2016). IT systems for Collaboration in Healthcare for Frail Elderly People, in Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2016), Belfast, Northern Ireland UK, Aug 31-Sept 2.

Forsman, B, Hansson, A, Larsson, G, L, Svensson, A, (2016). Frail Older Persons’ Experiences of Hospital Care, Rapport Fyrbodals Hälsoakademi.


Svensson, A, (2014)., The Use of Information Systems in Professional Healthcare Work Practices, International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, Vol. 6, Iss. 1.


Olsson, M, Larsson L.G, Flensner, G & Bäck-Pettersson, S. (2012). The impact of concordant communication in outpatient care planning – nurses´ perspective. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(6):748-57.


Senast uppdaterad: 2020-04-24 14:27