Publikationer år 2019
Publikationer år 2019
Eriksson, M., Kerekes, N., Brink, P., Pennbrant, S., & Nunstedt, H. (2019). The level of sense of coherence among Swedish nursing staff. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Nunstedt et al. (2019). Towards a sustainable working life for registered nurses in a hospital setting: Success factors promoting their opportunities to remain in work and profession – A salutogenic approach. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences (Submitted August-2019).
Larsson, L.G, Bäck-Pettersson, S, Kylén, S, Marklund, B. Gellerstedt, M. & Carlström, E. (2019). A national study on collaboration in care planning for patients with complex needs. The International Journal of Health Planning and Managemen, 34(1):646-660.
Wynn, E. & Vallo Hult, H. (2019). Qualitative and Critical Research in Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction: Divergent and Convergent Paths. Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems, 3(1–2), 1-233.
Vallo Hult, H. & Wynn, E. (2019). Information Integrity and Human Infrastructure in Digital Health Care. Paper presented at the Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 15-17, Cancún, México.
Wynn, E. & Vallo Hult, H. (2019). Reputation Control and Theoretical Innovation in Two Academic Cultures. Paper presented at the Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 15-17, Cancún, México.
Vallo Hult, H., Hansson, A., Svensson, L. & Gellerstedt, M. (2019). Flipped healthcare for better or worse. Health Informatics Journal, (25:3), pp. 587–597.
Gellerstedt, M., Gellerstedt, V., Bernhard, I., Bernhardsson, L., Lundh Snis, U., & Vallo Hult, H. (2019). Work-Integrated Learning: Impact of Individual and organizational Digitalization on Knowledge management and Expertise Sharing. Paper presented at the INTED2019, 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 11-13 March, 2019.
Svensson, A, (2019). Challenges in Using IT Systems for Collaboration in Healthcare Services, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, Vol. 16, Nr. 10, 1773-1784.
Hedqvist, A-T, Svensson, A, (2019). Person-centered healthcare in coordinated care planning with video conference - nurses’ perspective, in Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, Sept 4-6.
Forsman, B, Svensson, A, (2019). Frail Older Persons’ Experiences of Information and Participation in Hospital Care, International Journal of Environmental Research an Public Health, Vol. 16, Nr. 16, 2829.